The second cohort of the Facility Director/Superintendent Training Program was hosted in San Diego in January during the CJJA Winter Meeting and has been completed! Congratulations to all the participants from across the country! This training program, offered through grants from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) engages facility leadership and agency deputy directors who oversee facility operations. It’s a 4-day in-person training followed by a 6-month technical assistance and webinar series. CJJA was pleased to welcome facility leaders from across the nation and would like to thank our partners and training faculty for another successful training event. Participants from over 15 states attended. We are excited to start the third cohort beginning August 21st, 2020. This cohort will begin virtually and (tentatively) convene in person with cohort four in January 2021. Thank you to all participants!