CJJA conducts bi-annual in-person meetings with our membership, one of the objectives during these meetings is to identify thought leadership topics and strategize solutions relevant to the juvenile justice field.
Current Thought Leadership Topics:
- Behavior health/mental health services/system in the community and facility
- Educational Landscape
- Enhancing Career Tech Opportunities
- Gun violence and impact on JJ facilities
- Handling the Increase of Juveniles with Mental Health Issues
- Hiring formerly incarcerated/lived experience individuals
- Incompetent to stand trial/tasks to get them competent
- Managing Younger Youth Population
- Mental Health Resources
- Mental Health In-Patient Residential Beds Referral Process
- Operational Capacity
- Population Levels and Emerging Needs
- Programming for Older Youth
- Reentry
- Re-imaging Secure Facility Operations in the Midst of a Staffing Crisis
- Resources for Youth with Mental Health Needs
- Respite program models
- Technology
- School based arrest/referrals
- Specialized/Episodic Treatment Plan Development
- Staff Recruitment and Retention
- Stakeholder Communication
- Strategies for Older Youth
- Waived Youth Programming