
CJJA Membership

CJJA Council membership is available to any individual appointed to serve on a full-time basis as the person directly responsible for the administration of juvenile corrections of a state, or a juvenile corrections system of a metropolitan area with a population of 500,000 or more. Council membership is also open to the juvenile services administrator of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. A person who is eligible for membership shall become a member upon submission of an application to the Council and approval of the application by the Executive Director of the Council.

The membership year is on a fiscal year beginning July 1 through June 30 of the following year.

The CJJA Executive Board has voted to also offer a category of membership dues that includes the travel costs to attend one of two annual business meeting.

Only active members are eligible to vote or to be members of the Board of Directors.

CJJA membership fees are based on a sliding fee scale according to annual budgets of each member’s juvenile corrections agency.

Three Types of CJJA Membership

1.  Associate Membership

Individuals who have served in the past in a capacity described above for two years or more are eligible for associate membership. Associate members are not eligible to vote but are invited to attend meetings of the membership.

CJJA Associate Membership dues:  $150 Annually

2.  Affiliate Membership

Individuals serving as juvenile justice practitioners, academics and researchers are offered the opportunity to have an individual CJJA membership. Affiliate members are not eligible to vote and are connected through on-line meetings and services.

CJJA Affiliate Membership dues:  $50 Annually

3.  Professional Membership with Dual CJJA
Affiliate and NPJS Professional Membership

  • Serve on NPJS Committees
  • Participate in position statement development that drives national policy
  • Eligible to hold elected office on NPJS Board of Directors
  • Able to vote in NPJS elections
  • Discounted fee to attend National Symposium on Juvenile Services or other NPJS training events
  • Networking opportunity with other professionals from across the United States
  • Involved with the only national membership organization whose sole focus is on juvenile justice services
  • Eligible for consideration to be in NPJS Consultant Pool (pending submission of required documentation & review/approval).
  • Will receive job postings when agencies ask NPJS to circulate openings
  • Access to ATC Travel Management for travel planning, including searches for lowest airfare options, hotel bookings, etc.
  • See CJJA Affiliate Member (description) for benefits

NPJS Professional Membership dues:  $80 Annually